Art Marketing Tip of the Day #6

Use Pinterest!

Use of the visually oriented social site Pinterest has exploded over the past year, and manyartists are using Pinterest to share their work beyond Facebook and Twitter.

To get started on Pinterest, first set up a profile that includes keywords and your website address, then start pinning. When you pin your art, don’t forget to add a watermark to protect the image, as well as keywords: Pinterest is searchable, so make sure you describe your pin clearly. You should also customize the link to point back to your website or whatever other page you’re promoting.

You can also get more exposure for your images by including a price for the item into your description. This simple trick will add your pin to the “Gifts” section on Pinterest and will display the price across the front of the image throughout the site.

You can create boards on Pinterest to share your work. This is a great way to showcase your best pieces to a targeted audience of artists, galleries, and potential customers. You can upload images directly, or pin your portfolio directly from your blog. This way the images will link back to their original source.

If you write a blog you can embed your pins into your blog posts. To do this, click on one of your pins. You’ll see some options for social media sharing on the right side of your screen, and one of them says “Embed.” Click on that button, and you’ll get the HTML code that you can put into a blog post to create beautiful, compelling post content.

Get Pinning and ENJOY!


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